Stylish Massage Chair

The effect of massage chairs

Massage chairs

Nowadays, people have great pressure in life and work, so they usually want to have a massage. However, if you often go out for a massage, not only will you feel that the price is very expensive, but some people’s methods and techniques are not suitable.

Generally, you can buy a massage chair and go home to massage yourself. And now there are massage chairs in many public places for people to use. There are many benefits of massage chairs, and people can massage frequently. But what are the effects of massage chairs?

Stylish Massage Chair
Benefits of massage chairs

1. Relieve physical fatigue, reduce physical stress, relax the whole body, and have a soothing effect.
2. Using a massage chair to stimulate the body can dredge the body’s meridians and help the body’s qi and blood flow, thereby helping to improve the body’s immunity and reduce the occurrence of diseases.
3. Relieve the state of physical fatigue and soreness, help relax the body, and also help sleep.
4. It has a certain rehabilitation effect on rheumatism, cervical pain, joint diseases and other diseases.
5. Accelerate human metabolism and have a certain effect on weight loss and beauty.

Side effects of massage chairs

Massage chairs are a type of massage that is conducive to mechanical force and rolling to squeeze the body. Compared with manual massage, the movements are single and the techniques are simple.

It has a certain effect on relieving physical fatigue, but it cannot completely play a good role in the treatment of diseases.

When using a massage chair, you must control the time and intensity of the massage to prevent certain damage to the body due to improper operation during the massage.

If you use a massage chair and adjust the intensity of the massage chair too much, it may cause muscle pain.

What should you pay attention to when using a massage chair?

1. The massage time should be controlled to one or two times a day, and each time can be controlled to about 20 minutes.
2. It is forbidden to use the massage chair for a long time or frequently.
3. When using a massage chair, you must control the intensity of the massage chair to massage the body.


Written by: Matt from FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Stylish Massage Chair

I regret not buying it sooner! With this massage chair, I want to stay at home after getting off work

With this massage chair, I want to stay at home!

The magic of massage chairs

Stylish Massage Chair

Efficacy 1: It can dredge the meridians of the human body, speed up blood circulation in the human body, and improve self-immunity.
Efficacy 2: Improve skin relaxation, delay aging, enhance skin elasticity and vitality, and help improve brain memory.
Efficacy 3: Relieve physical and mental fatigue, and make people energetic and refreshed.

After using the massage chair for a period of time, you will find:

1. It can dredge the meridians of the human body, speed up blood circulation in the human body, and improve self-immunity. Improve skin relaxation, delay aging, enhance skin elasticity and vitality, and help improve brain memory.

2. Improve metabolism, burn excess fat, and discharge human metabolic waste and excess water. Relieve physical and mental fatigue, and make people energetic and refreshed.

3. Every 15 minutes of using the massage chair is equivalent to jogging for two kilometers, which has a certain weight loss effect. Using a massage chair is also conducive to improving your sub-health and allowing you to have a healthy body. Massage chairs have many benefits, the main function is to relieve human fatigue and make the body relaxed.

The magic of massage chairs

Function: Promote the metabolism of various organs in the body, burn excess fat, and discharge human metabolic waste and excess water.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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Stylish Massage Chair

Is it necessary to buy a massage chair? After reading this article, I am no longer ignorant

Is it necessary to buy a massage chair?

Massage is the oldest medical method and has a history of thousands of years in China. Based on the theory of viscera and meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, it acts on specific parts of the human body through specific techniques to achieve the functions of regulating the body, relieving fatigue, and assisting treatment.

According to the type of massage, it can be divided into medical massage, health massage and sports massage.

Massage can relax muscles and bones, relieve stress, relieve fatigue, promote blood circulation, beautify and detoxify, etc.

Stylish Massage Chair

Now the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day, and the massage chair technology has also made great progress.

There are many middle and high-end massage chairs on the market now, and the massage effect is already comparable to that of professional manual massage, and it has a very good massage effect.

At present, when the cost of manual massage is high, frequent visits to massage parlors are not only expensive but also take a lot of time, which discourages ordinary consumers. A massage chair would be a great alternative.

Friends who have not experienced the massage chair, it is recommended to experience it if you have the opportunity. After the experience, you will have a more intuitive feeling about the massage chair.

People often ask, is it necessary to buy a massage chair? Different people may have different answers to this question.

Objectively speaking, for certain groups of people, there is still a certain demand for massage chairs. Such as people who are busy with work and often suffer from backaches; people who are stressed and often suffer from insomnia; people who are sub-healthy and need health care; of course, people who like to enjoy themselves, use massage chairs to enjoy the comfortable time of massage.

For these people who need massage, if their own economic conditions permit, it will be a good choice to buy a massage chair and put it at home. Massage chairs can relieve and condition bothersome physical problems.

In terms of use, the correct and reasonable use of the massage chair can better play the role of the massage chair, otherwise it may have the opposite effect. First of all, the massage chair should not be used for too long, 1-2 times a day, 15-20 minutes each time is the best.

The longer the massage time is not the better, long-term massage can not achieve the desired effect, it is correct to stick to step by step every day.

And if a single massage takes too long, it may cause damage to the skin and soft tissues.

Secondly, some people are not suitable for using massage chairs, such as osteoporosis patients, heart disease patients, high blood pressure patients, pregnant women, people who are full or hungry, etc. are not suitable for using massage chairs. Therefore, these groups of people should use massage chairs under the guidance of doctors, or avoid using massage chairs.3D Home Music Massage Chair 2

When purchasing, since the massage chair is a large item, the placement position should be determined in advance, and the matching massage chair should be selected according to the size of the placement position.

Seeing this, I believe many people already know whether it is necessary for them to buy a massage chair. I hope you have the answer.

Friends who choose to buy a massage chair, remember to experience more, compare more, and learn more, so that you can buy a massage chair that meets your expectations.

Written by: FUJIREJA Massage Chair Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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leisure massage chair

Do you know the main practical functions of a massage chair?

In a busy metropolis. People have been busy in order to live, in the face of life, work pressure makes people physically and mentally tired, For a long time, they are troubled by sub-health conditions, and some people want to relax by lying on a massage chair. Is that really effective? Now as a domestic massage chair brand life power to specific introduction.

In fact, the high quality massage chair has a more intelligent massage technique, Massage all parts of the body in a scientific manner. For example, neck massage helps to stimulate lymph. Massage Fengchi and Tianzhu are helpful to relax the tension of the brain, improve the soreness of the shoulder muscles, and also assist in relaxing the muscles and tendons. Promote the body to expel some toxic waste.

We also know that many office workers are sedentary in front of the computer work, during rest time also like to bow their heads to play on mobile phones, lumbar and cervical spine to bear a lot of pressure. Some massage chairs with open back way can find acupoints. Simulated human hand massage. Light to heavy. Can effectively improve muscle fatigue. I feel alive again.

Professional 3D / 4D movement allows deep massage according to the Smart point and the muscles around the shoulder blade. Relieve lumbar muscle fatigue. Plus light beating waist hole position helps to promote blood circulation. Relieve back pain. Joint meridians are also dredged.

Coupled with the SL-shaped guide rail, which can fit the human body’s normal physiological curve, this kind of guide rail travel is relatively long, from the shoulder to the hip position. Helps to improve fatigue caused by sitting. The robot reaches the tail vertebra, after rubbing the top and slapping the technique, effectively protecting the muscles around the pelvic bone to shape the tight hip, and you don’t have to worry about the deformation of the sitting hip. Another point is that it can dredge qi and blood. Rubbing ring jumping points to improve foot pain is also advantageous. The pressure is released.

Chinese medicine says that the soles of the feet are distributed at many points of the human body, and the massage chair’s foot roller scraping massage technique helps to improve foot fatigue. It also helps to improve the function of the spleen and stomach. Skin will slowly become beautiful.

So when it comes to here, do you understand? If the massage chair comes with a warm feel massage. Can give the body warm care. Let’s remind here. The massage chair uses the time to control in about 20 minutes. Finally want to know more relevant knowledge. Welcome to the FUJIREJA store.

Written by: FUJIREJA Group
The Exporter and Manufacturer of Massage Chair and Massager since 2003
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